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 خدمات هاتف الجوال المبنية على سياق الحالة في الحج والعمرة

 داود, محمد بن عبد الرحمن

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خدمات هاتف الجوال المبنية على سياق الحالة في الحج والعمرة

الناشر :معهد خادم الحرمين الشريفين لأبحاث الحج والعمرة - جامعة أم القرى
تاريخ النشر : 2013-04-30
الوصف : -
الموضوعات : وسائل الاتصال ؛
اللغة : other
جزء من السلسلة أبحاث الملتقى العلمي 13;2

In this paper, we propose a context-aware Mashup of services for Hajj and Umrah pilgrims. The system comprises several important services for end-users who intend to or are already performing Hajj and Umrah. The system first gathers the context of the user so that we tailor the Mashup services accordingly. The sensory data we currently utilize are location-based information that is collected through user’s GPS and IP coordinates. Our main targets are mobile devices which are ubiquitously available nowadays to most pilgrims. Those devices access our services through the web. We make use of several available web services APIs that are being utilized to build our system Mashup. The system collects location co-ordinates, locate spatial nearby services such as accommodation, restaurants, money exchange centers, maps, transportation itinerary, translation, news, video streams, …etc. We have tested our system through end-user subjects. We will provide our testing results and the general impression of end users about our system. We will also present our conclusions as well as future directions that we plan to target.

العنوان: خدمات هاتف الجوال المبنية على سياق الحالة في الحج والعمرة
المؤلفون: داود, محمد بن عبد الرحمن
الموضوعات :: وسائل الاتصال
تاريخ النشر :: 30-ابريل-2013
الناشر :: معهد خادم الحرمين الشريفين لأبحاث الحج والعمرة - جامعة أم القرى
رقم السلسلة - رقم التقرير: أبحاث الملتقى العلمي 13;2
الملخص: In this paper, we propose a context-aware Mashup of services for Hajj and Umrah pilgrims. The system comprises several important services for end-users who intend to or are already performing Hajj and Umrah. The system first gathers the context of the user so that we tailor the Mashup services accordingly. The sensory data we currently utilize are location-based information that is collected through user’s GPS and IP coordinates. Our main targets are mobile devices which are ubiquitously available nowadays to most pilgrims. Those devices access our services through the web. We make use of several available web services APIs that are being utilized to build our system Mashup. The system collects location co-ordinates, locate spatial nearby services such as accommodation, restaurants, money exchange centers, maps, transportation itinerary, translation, news, video streams, …etc. We have tested our system through end-user subjects. We will provide our testing results and the general impression of end users about our system. We will also present our conclusions as well as future directions that we plan to target.
الرابط: http://dorar.uqu.edu.sa//uquui/handle/20.500.12248/131527
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