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 قياس استخدام وتلقي الحجاج والمعتمرين للتوعية من خلال الشاشات الإلكترونية في المنطقة المركزية كمصدر للمعلومات

 خان, فضل رحيم

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569 المشاهدات

قياس استخدام وتلقي الحجاج والمعتمرين للتوعية من خلال الشاشات الإلكترونية في المنطقة المركزية كمصدر للمعلومات

عناوين أخرى : The pilgrims’ Use and Perceptions of the Electronic Billboards (EBBs) as an Information Resource: A Study on the Utility of the EBBs
المؤلفون : خان, فضل رحيم
الناشر :معهد خادم الحرمين الشريفين لأبحاث الحج والعمرة - جامعة أم القرى
تاريخ النشر : 2013-04-30
الوصف : Recommendations: That bigger, and non-scrolling, digital screens should be installed in new locations around the built-up areas of the Haram Shareef, on its rooftop, and on the proximal end of the streets to Al-Haram. - The message should be simple preferably limited to one short sentence. - Where possible illustrations should also be used. - The text should be cast in bigger type-size. - The screen should change after every 10 to 12 seconds. - The text should be cast in the Urdu, the Persian, the Malay, the Bengali, and the French languages in besides the present Arabic and the English languages. - Where non-Arabic language is employed for the verses from the Holy Quran or the traditions of the Prophet (May the eternal peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) due care should be observed in the translations. - The message content should have practical relevance for the pilgrims helping them deal with day to day problems with ease and facility; e.g., where to find the wheelchairs, direction of toilets, emergency numbers, guidance to health clinics, complaint offices, bus stops etc. or finding out lost family members and friends, and guidance on how best to perform Hajj and Omrah rituals.
اللغة : other
جزء من السلسلة أبحاث الملتقى العلمي 13;3

The present study has examined the utility of the electronic billboards (EBBs) as a public service announcement (PSA) tool in the Haram Shareef area. Data were gathered from a non-probability sample of the Omrah pilgrims on the use, perceptions, and recall of the EBBs messages. In-depth interviews with informed informants were also used to help interpret the data. Pilgrims attention to the billboards and their recall of the messages were used as factors of billboard utility and effectiveness. On the basis of frequency distribution analysis coupled with simple elaboration through graphical method, the study concludes that despite their potential for high effectiveness the EBBs are not producing much of an impact on the pilgrims, and proffers recommendations on improving their utility as a PSA tool for the pilgrims.

العنوان: قياس استخدام وتلقي الحجاج والمعتمرين للتوعية من خلال الشاشات الإلكترونية في المنطقة المركزية كمصدر للمعلومات
عناوين أخرى: The pilgrims’ Use and Perceptions of the Electronic Billboards (EBBs) as an Information Resource: A Study on the Utility of the EBBs
المؤلفون: خان, فضل رحيم
الموضوعات :: وسائل توعية الحجاج والمعتمرين
تاريخ النشر :: 30-ابريل-2013
الناشر :: معهد خادم الحرمين الشريفين لأبحاث الحج والعمرة - جامعة أم القرى
رقم السلسلة - رقم التقرير: أبحاث الملتقى العلمي 13;3
الملخص: The present study has examined the utility of the electronic billboards (EBBs) as a public service announcement (PSA) tool in the Haram Shareef area. Data were gathered from a non-probability sample of the Omrah pilgrims on the use, perceptions, and recall of the EBBs messages. In-depth interviews with informed informants were also used to help interpret the data. Pilgrims attention to the billboards and their recall of the messages were used as factors of billboard utility and effectiveness. On the basis of frequency distribution analysis coupled with simple elaboration through graphical method, the study concludes that despite their potential for high effectiveness the EBBs are not producing much of an impact on the pilgrims, and proffers recommendations on improving their utility as a PSA tool for the pilgrims.
الوصف :: Recommendations: That bigger, and non-scrolling, digital screens should be installed in new locations around the built-up areas of the Haram Shareef, on its rooftop, and on the proximal end of the streets to Al-Haram. - The message should be simple preferably limited to one short sentence. - Where possible illustrations should also be used. - The text should be cast in bigger type-size. - The screen should change after every 10 to 12 seconds. - The text should be cast in the Urdu, the Persian, the Malay, the Bengali, and the French languages in besides the present Arabic and the English languages. - Where non-Arabic language is employed for the verses from the Holy Quran or the traditions of the Prophet (May the eternal peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) due care should be observed in the translations. - The message content should have practical relevance for the pilgrims helping them deal with day to day problems with ease and facility; e.g., where to find the wheelchairs, direction of toilets, emergency numbers, guidance to health clinics, complaint offices, bus stops etc. or finding out lost family members and friends, and guidance on how best to perform Hajj and Omrah rituals.
الرابط: http://dorar.uqu.edu.sa//uquui/handle/20.500.12248/131507
يظهر في المجموعات :2- المحورالثاني: دراسات التوعية والإعلام

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