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 نظرة تحليلية لحوادث الزحام في الجمرات E

 جهازار, معين الدين

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نظرة تحليلية لحوادث الزحام في الجمرات E

الناشر :معهد خادم الحرمين الشريفين لأبحاث الحج والعمرة - جامعة أم القرى
تاريخ النشر : 2004-10-31
الوصف : Recommendations: Touching Hajr Aswad Although kissing/touching/seeing Hajr Aswad is not an integral part of the Hajj or Umrah, but all Pilgrims visiting the Holy land, particularly Ka’abah, on the occasion of Hajj or Umrah naturally have the desire to touch and kiss the Black-Stone at least once in their lives, as a Precept (Sunnah) of the Prophet, mpbuh. But many Pilgrims, especially the ladies, just watch the scene of strong, young, enthusiastic and daring Pilgrims dashing, pushing and climbing over each other to reach nearer to the Stone. These Pilgrims get the opportunity of kissing the Stone not only once but several times after risking their lives. Whereas, the majority of weak, old aged, ladies and civilized Pilgrims don’t get the opportunity to touch the Stone even once. Hence they return having their utmost desire in their chests unfulfilled. Following suggestions are hereby presented in this regard too: Every Pilgrim should be issued a Token/Card for the purpose of kissing Hajr Aswad along with other essential documents/tokens issued by the Mutawwafeen to the Pilgrims. This token should bear the name and number of every Pilgrim and should be absolutely non-transferable. At present only one-queue moves for kissing the Black-Stone. There should be a barricaded lane for this single queue. Each aspirant should produce his/her token to the security staff posted at the entry of the lane for kissing the Stone. At the exit of the lane, the people coming out after kissing the Black-Stone should not be allowed to merge into the main crowd performing Tawaf. Instead they should emerge out from one or more main gates of the Haram. For this purpose, an underground subway can be constructed. If possible, separate timings should be fixed exclusively for ladies to avoid intermingling with males which seems unethical and, in most of the cases, causes disrespect for them who dare to kiss the Stone along with their male counterparts. At present, this segregation of timings for different sexes is practiced in Haram Al-Nabawi Al-Sharif for visiting the pious grave of the Prophet, mpbuh. In this way each Pilgrim will get a chance to kiss the Black-Stone.
اللغة : other
جزء من السلسلة أبحاث الملتقى العلمي 5;12

Stoning the Devil-Posts at Jamarat (Rami Jamar) with pebbles is an obligatory requisite for the completion of rituals of the Pilgrimage (Hajj). Rami Jamar, being one of the Pillars of Hajj, can not be avoided or postponed. During the last Hajj season a deadly episode had occurred at the site of Jamarat which has drawn the attention of many sincere Muslims to review the root-causes and find out some solution to avoid reoccurrence of such a mishap. In this paper various causes of the above fatal episode have been critically reviewed and numerous remedial actions have been suggested that might be taken to avoid such scenario in future. The main points discussed in this paper are: the operational plans and efficient management of controlling accidents, chaos and crisis; application of Information Technology in monitoring and mobilizing huge crowds; providing proper guidance and instant information/instructions to the Pilgrims (Hujjaj); highlighting the need of promoting awareness and proper guidance, its important and effective role in the disciplined movement of mob in a confined area in a limited time. The social and psychological behavior of human beings trapped amidst heavy crowds, and the engineering-designs of Jamarat site have also been reviewed and discussed briefly in this paper. In the perspective of Hajj and Umrah, few additional things concerning the usually seen dashing crowd at the site of Black-Stone (Hajr Aswad) in the Sacred Mosque (Haram) for kissing it have also been suggested. It is absolutely not claimed that the observations/suggestions made in this paper with regards to the happenings at Jamarat site would make any significant and immediate difference until the entire set-up is overhauled. But this humble effort, made in good faith, can most probably assist the concerned Saudi authorities in saving the precious lives of many innocent people coming to the Holy land for performing Hajj; and likewise minimize and/or control overcrowding while kissing Hajr Aswad.

العنوان: نظرة تحليلية لحوادث الزحام في الجمرات E
المؤلفون: جهازار, معين الدين
الموضوعات :: الازدحام
تاريخ النشر :: 31-اكتوبر-2004
الناشر :: معهد خادم الحرمين الشريفين لأبحاث الحج والعمرة - جامعة أم القرى
رقم السلسلة - رقم التقرير: أبحاث الملتقى العلمي 5;12
الملخص: Stoning the Devil-Posts at Jamarat (Rami Jamar) with pebbles is an obligatory requisite for the completion of rituals of the Pilgrimage (Hajj). Rami Jamar, being one of the Pillars of Hajj, can not be avoided or postponed. During the last Hajj season a deadly episode had occurred at the site of Jamarat which has drawn the attention of many sincere Muslims to review the root-causes and find out some solution to avoid reoccurrence of such a mishap. In this paper various causes of the above fatal episode have been critically reviewed and numerous remedial actions have been suggested that might be taken to avoid such scenario in future. The main points discussed in this paper are: the operational plans and efficient management of controlling accidents, chaos and crisis; application of Information Technology in monitoring and mobilizing huge crowds; providing proper guidance and instant information/instructions to the Pilgrims (Hujjaj); highlighting the need of promoting awareness and proper guidance, its important and effective role in the disciplined movement of mob in a confined area in a limited time. The social and psychological behavior of human beings trapped amidst heavy crowds, and the engineering-designs of Jamarat site have also been reviewed and discussed briefly in this paper. In the perspective of Hajj and Umrah, few additional things concerning the usually seen dashing crowd at the site of Black-Stone (Hajr Aswad) in the Sacred Mosque (Haram) for kissing it have also been suggested. It is absolutely not claimed that the observations/suggestions made in this paper with regards to the happenings at Jamarat site would make any significant and immediate difference until the entire set-up is overhauled. But this humble effort, made in good faith, can most probably assist the concerned Saudi authorities in saving the precious lives of many innocent people coming to the Holy land for performing Hajj; and likewise minimize and/or control overcrowding while kissing Hajr Aswad.
الوصف :: Recommendations: Touching Hajr Aswad Although kissing/touching/seeing Hajr Aswad is not an integral part of the Hajj or Umrah, but all Pilgrims visiting the Holy land, particularly Ka’abah, on the occasion of Hajj or Umrah naturally have the desire to touch and kiss the Black-Stone at least once in their lives, as a Precept (Sunnah) of the Prophet, mpbuh. But many Pilgrims, especially the ladies, just watch the scene of strong, young, enthusiastic and daring Pilgrims dashing, pushing and climbing over each other to reach nearer to the Stone. These Pilgrims get the opportunity of kissing the Stone not only once but several times after risking their lives. Whereas, the majority of weak, old aged, ladies and civilized Pilgrims don’t get the opportunity to touch the Stone even once. Hence they return having their utmost desire in their chests unfulfilled. Following suggestions are hereby presented in this regard too: Every Pilgrim should be issued a Token/Card for the purpose of kissing Hajr Aswad along with other essential documents/tokens issued by the Mutawwafeen to the Pilgrims. This token should bear the name and number of every Pilgrim and should be absolutely non-transferable. At present only one-queue moves for kissing the Black-Stone. There should be a barricaded lane for this single queue. Each aspirant should produce his/her token to the security staff posted at the entry of the lane for kissing the Stone. At the exit of the lane, the people coming out after kissing the Black-Stone should not be allowed to merge into the main crowd performing Tawaf. Instead they should emerge out from one or more main gates of the Haram. For this purpose, an underground subway can be constructed. If possible, separate timings should be fixed exclusively for ladies to avoid intermingling with males which seems unethical and, in most of the cases, causes disrespect for them who dare to kiss the Stone along with their male counterparts. At present, this segregation of timings for different sexes is practiced in Haram Al-Nabawi Al-Sharif for visiting the pious grave of the Prophet, mpbuh. In this way each Pilgrim will get a chance to kiss the Black-Stone.
الرابط: http://dorar.uqu.edu.sa//uquui/handle/20.500.12248/131252
يظهر في المجموعات :3- المحور الثالث: البحوث العمرانية والهندسية

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