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 تقويم البرنامج المكثف للغة الإنجليزية لمتدربي الدبلوم التقني في مدينة جدة في ضوء نموذج ستفلبيم للتقويم

 الشهري, خلوفه ظافر سعيد

147 Visits

تقويم البرنامج المكثف للغة الإنجليزية لمتدربي الدبلوم التقني في مدينة جدة في ضوء نموذج ستفلبيم للتقويم

Alternative : Evaluating the Intensive-Native English Program for Technical Diploma Students in Jeddah City in the Light of Stufflebeam Model
Call Number : 24988
Publisher :جامعة أم القرى
Pub Place : مكة المكرمة
Issue Date : 2022 - 1443 H
Description : 185 ورقة.
Format : دكتوراه
Language : انجليزي
Is format of : مكتبة الملك عبدالله بن عبدالعزيز الجامعية

The current appraisal study aims to evaluate the intensive-native English program (INEP) for EFL technical-diploma students. This instruction program was conducted online by native English speaking teachers NESTs. This study was taken place in Jeddah city and the sample included 7 teachers and 46 students. Also, there were 19 printed and online documents have been investigated. The research methodology adopted a mixed-research design where quantitative and qualitative data were collected through triangulation design. Analyzing and debating these data followed Stufflebeam model of evaluation (i.e., context, input, process and product evaluation). The main findings showed that variables pertaining INEP’s context were highly suitable. There was, however, an absence of some key policies related to academic counseling, gifted and special education, administrative policies and quality assurance policy. Also, there were almost 59% of the students linguistically misplaced in the INEP. Input evaluation disclosed that the time resource gained a lower degree of fulfillment due to the insufficient and uneven distribution of the instruction time. Process evaluation revealed that there were 34 teaching competencies (out of 57) statistically significant at (0.05). There were no significant differences at (0.05) between the median ranks of NESTs in all the teaching competencies according to these variables: nationality, qualification, experience and students' level. Finally, the statistical analysis revealed that INEP has significant difference on the improvement of the students’ achievement where the P value is = 0.000, which is less than α=0.05 in favor of the post application. Low level students (A1) made more improvement than upper intermediate (B2). This study found out that there was no statistical difference in the mean scores of students in the CEPT post-test according to the time variable (morning versus evening). This study was concluded with a list of categorized recommendations aiming at developing the existing policies and procedures of the INEP. Also, qualification and experience should be considered along with teachers’ nativeness in employment. Finally, a deep and separate investigation of the role of language intensity and language nativeness and how are these variables affect EFL students is crucial.

Title: تقويم البرنامج المكثف للغة الإنجليزية لمتدربي الدبلوم التقني في مدينة جدة في ضوء نموذج ستفلبيم للتقويم
Other Titles: Evaluating the Intensive-Native English Program for Technical Diploma Students in Jeddah City in the Light of Stufflebeam Model
Authors: الصمداني, هاشم بن أحمد بن محمد
الشهري, خلوفه ظافر سعيد
Subjects :: اللغة الانجليزية طرق تدريس
Issue Date :: 2022
Publisher :: جامعة أم القرى
Abstract: The current appraisal study aims to evaluate the intensive-native English program (INEP) for EFL technical-diploma students. This instruction program was conducted online by native English speaking teachers NESTs. This study was taken place in Jeddah city and the sample included 7 teachers and 46 students. Also, there were 19 printed and online documents have been investigated. The research methodology adopted a mixed-research design where quantitative and qualitative data were collected through triangulation design. Analyzing and debating these data followed Stufflebeam model of evaluation (i.e., context, input, process and product evaluation). The main findings showed that variables pertaining INEP’s context were highly suitable. There was, however, an absence of some key policies related to academic counseling, gifted and special education, administrative policies and quality assurance policy. Also, there were almost 59% of the students linguistically misplaced in the INEP. Input evaluation disclosed that the time resource gained a lower degree of fulfillment due to the insufficient and uneven distribution of the instruction time. Process evaluation revealed that there were 34 teaching competencies (out of 57) statistically significant at (0.05). There were no significant differences at (0.05) between the median ranks of NESTs in all the teaching competencies according to these variables: nationality, qualification, experience and students' level. Finally, the statistical analysis revealed that INEP has significant difference on the improvement of the students’ achievement where the P value is = 0.000, which is less than α=0.05 in favor of the post application. Low level students (A1) made more improvement than upper intermediate (B2). This study found out that there was no statistical difference in the mean scores of students in the CEPT post-test according to the time variable (morning versus evening). This study was concluded with a list of categorized recommendations aiming at developing the existing policies and procedures of the INEP. Also, qualification and experience should be considered along with teachers’ nativeness in employment. Finally, a deep and separate investigation of the role of language intensity and language nativeness and how are these variables affect EFL students is crucial.
Description :: 185 ورقة.
URI: http://dorar.uqu.edu.sa//uquui/handle/20.500.12248/132288
Appears in Collections :الرسائل العلمية المحدثة

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